| 1. | Copyright infringement in academic journals 浅析学术期刊领域中的侵权现象 |
| 2. | Multi - pronged approach to tackle copyright infringement problem 政府多管下打击侵权问题 |
| 3. | Procedure for making claims of copyright infringement 版权侵犯的索赔过程 |
| 4. | Legal thought from a copyright infringement case 著作权侵权案的法律思考 |
| 5. | On establishment test of copyright infringement 版权侵权认定方法探究 |
| 6. | Copyright infringement on the internet 互联网上的侵犯版权行为 |
| 7. | The principle and scope of the copyright infringement compensation 著作权侵权损害赔偿的原则及赔偿范围 |
| 8. | Copyright infringement and digital publishing : the us legal response 美国对数字出版中侵权现象的应对措施 |
| 9. | The classic remedy for copyright infringement is equitable relief 传统的侵犯版权的救济是衡平法上的救济。 |
| 10. | Research on the disputes on copyright infringement involving web searcher 涉及搜索引擎的侵犯著作权纠纷研究 |